Education 2.0
For once, I would like to slightly away from the world of
video games, convert, but a subject up to me and probably many
other students and graduates of academic training under the
burning. A topic that is discussed repeatedly, and the fear
many have never been in our latitudes Uni-Abgänger so many
unemployed as it is today. The lucky ones, after studying find
a job, often with internship positions satisfied that also paid
accordingly. Assessment mention the companies that construct,
which will be officially aimed suitable candidates for a
permanent position out of that. In truth, they can result in
well-trained to access resources without much to pay and, in
addition, they can temporarily return intended as interns
contracts are usually short notice periods. The air is thin for
Uni-Absolventen become, especially if they intend to found a
family. Yet even here is the principle that each of his own
happiness blacksmith, and so of course we must also mention
that many are not prepared Ex-Studenten a 100% boost job, but
still feel that they have as entry-level salary for at least 6
' 000 francs (about 4,000 euros) deserve. That can only go
wrong. Nor should one think about whether it is not generally
the quality of graduates has declined. Reinhard K. Sprenger, a
doctor of philosophy, which claims
(in this
article), and at least, this leads to
the democratization of education, which is (almost) all
allowed to study, including those who are not the stuff
to have. I give him points in all, but here he makes the
bill without the use of an important variables, the
quality of teaching. Nothing comes from nothing, and when
you speak of poor students, we must (also called Doctor
of Philosophy), the teachers and university structures in
the considerations involved. In many faculties of Europe
is the abysmal care of the students and that is not
merely an overcrowded lecture halls but also the fact
that the professors dermassen busy with other things
(publish or perish), that the lectures and papers of
their proteges are secondary. Whether these abuses
through the privatization of universities that can be
corrected, I doubt, but it seems clear that urgent action
is needed.
The University as a training facility has an image eingebüsst,
technical colleges and other institutions are on the rise, and
this thing, then the university probably soon only small elite
circles reserved, because no one wants to ...
For this contribution, I was inspired by the following items:
The original hard bloggin
Education 2.0: permanent placements,
urbane Pennertum and quality downgrade
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