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[ Space, Hi-Tech, Robots: News and Articles ]
Scientists till now have not received acknowledgement of existence of an extraterrestrial civilization in Solar system and its nearest vicinities. Deputy director of an Pulkovo astronomical observatory of the Russian Academy of Science Jury Gnedin has informedon it. However alien searching will be proceed, the scientist has emphasized.
NASA has appointed date of start of shuttle Dicovery to the International space station (ISS), it is informed on a site of space agency. Return readout for start will begin on Monday, on December, 4th, at 23 o'clock on time of east coast USA. Start is planned to make on Thursday, on December, 7th, at 21 o'clock 35 minutes. In Moscow at this time there will be 5 hours of 35 minutes on December, 8th.
NASA intends to establish on the Moon the most powerful in the world a radiotelescope. According to the agency head of the Mail of Griffin, it becomes one of the main tasks to " lunar mission ", planned for 2018, informs British The Times.
Research of the inclusions which have been found out in a meteorite from lake Tagish (Tagish), fallen in British Columbia per 2000, gives the basis to believe, that organic substances could be brought to the Earth from space, newspaper Guardian informs.
China and Russia have signed the contract about the introduction into international forum Generation IV, informs AFP. The forum also includes Argentina, Brazil, the Great Britain, Canada, the USA, France, Switzerland, the republic of South Africa and South Korea, Japan. Also a member of communityis European agency Euratom.