Monday, December 04, 2006

Links exchange


I am interested in links exchange with other science related blogs.
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Scientists have declared, that aliens in radius of 100 light years from the Earth it is not revealed, but searches proceed

Scientists till now have not received acknowledgement of existence of an extraterrestrial civilization in Solar system and its nearest vicinities. Deputy director of an Pulkovo astronomical observatory of the Russian Academy of Science Jury Gnedin has informedon it. However alien searching will be proceed, the scientist has emphasized.

Start of shuttle Discovery is appointed to December, 8th

NASA has appointed date of start of shuttle Dicovery to the International space station (ISS), it is informed on a site of space agency. Return readout for start will begin on Monday, on December, 4th, at 23 o'clock on time of east coast USA. Start is planned to make on Thursday, on December, 7th, at 21 o'clock 35 minutes. In Moscow at this time there will be 5 hours of 35 minutes on December, 8th.
On start of the ship from the cosmodrome to cape Canaveral it is allocated five minutes. If start will not manage to be lead in due time, the second attempt will start Discovery is undertaken in day.

Present flight becomes 117 flight of space shuttles. This ship will go into an orbit to 33 times. The ship will deliver on ISS astronaut Sanitu Williams (Sunita Williams) which will replace on ISS the astronaut of the European space agency Thomas Rajtera (Thomas Reiter) which will return with a shuttle to the Earth. Among cargoes which the space shuttle will deliver to orbital station – the next farm which will form a constructive basis for the further construction of station. For seven days which the shuttle will be connected to SS, cosmonauts will make three outputs in a free space.

Mission Discovery should be prolonged 12 day. The shuttle should make landing to a special runway of the cosmodrome to cape Canaveral.

NASA will construct on the Moon a super-power radiotelescope

NASA intends to establish on the Moon the most powerful in the world a radiotelescope. According to the agency head of the Mail of Griffin, it becomes one of the main tasks to " lunar mission ", planned for 2018, informs British The Times.

Installation of a telescope on the Moon will give to astronomers and physicists unique opportunities for carrying out of space researches. It is expected, that data obtained with its help will help scientists to learn better history of space and to explain the laws operating the Universe.

The lunar telescope which owing to the site can look in space much further, than the telescopes located on the Earth, should also help to understand, how to mankind to reach other planets of solar system and the planets which are being behind its limits.

According to representatives of the Ministry of Trade of the Great Britain, in "lunar mission " 2018 the British astronauts can take part also. As marks The Times, It will be serious break for the British scientists who carry out researches of space, using exclusively space vehicles.

The future lunar project will demand significant financial investments from the Great Britain. This theme was discussed at a meeting of the British minister ona science and innovations Malcolm Wicks and chapter NASA of Michael Griffin. As has declared Wicks while they with Griffin refer that the Great Britain will accept feasible participation in preparation of the mission, corresponding to its opportunities. Detailed study of this question, according to Wicks - a subject of the future negotiations.

In the most ancient space object organic connections are found out

Research of the inclusions which have been found out in a meteorite from lake Tagish (Tagish), fallen in British Columbia per 2000, gives the basis to believe, that organic substances could be brought to the Earth from space, newspaper Guardian informs.
The given meteorite, scientists consider, can be the most ancient object accessible to direct research by scientists on the Earth. Its especial scientific value is caused also by that the meteorite has been found all in a week after falling that is why almost done not influence a terrestrial atmosphere.

In 2002 in thickness of a meteorite the cavities formed by connections of carbon, similar have been found out by that make a chemical basis of an alive matter on our planet. Thus the isotope analysis of the found out substances excludes their terrestrial origin. Moreover, the parity of isotopes corresponds to prospective structure of a gas cloud of which the Sun was formed, that is the substances concluded in cavities can be considered as the samples of the matter who has kept since times, preceded occurrence of our planetary system.

In opinion of some researchers, in particular, groups Kejko Nakamury-Messendzhera (Keiko Nakamura-Messenger) and Michael Zolenski (Michael Zolensky), insuch cavities, in conditions of relative isolation, could proceed the first reactions to our planet on formation of complex molecules which could play a role of predecessors in the evolutionary chain of organic connections led formation of a life on the ground.

Russia and China are united for development of safe nuclear reactors

China and Russia have signed the contract about the introduction into international forum Generation IV, informs AFP. The forum also includes Argentina, Brazil, the Great Britain, Canada, the USA, France, Switzerland, the republic of South Africa and South Korea, Japan. Also a member of communityis European agency Euratom.
Participants of a forum agree will exchange the scientific and technical information connected with development of nuclear rectors which are more effective and are less dangerous.

In particular, the project is called to develop innovative technologies in construction of the reactors making less of radioactive waste and materials which can have military application.

Organization Generation IV has been created six years ago. According to developed within the limits of a forum the plan for development, the countries-participants undertake joint efforts for creation of so-called nuclear reactors of the fourth generation, that is reactors on fast neutrons.

Predictably, commercial use of joint development can approximately begin through a quarter of a century.

Among the nearest results of work of the project – so-called "the Atomic power station of following generation " (NGNP), under construction in the American national laboratory of state of Idaho.